Welcome to the Health Literacy
Middle School Curriculum CD

This curriculum is designed to inform Junior High students about Health Literacy impact in five major content areas:
     • Community and Environmental Health
     • Mental and Emotional Health
     • Personal and Consumer Health
     • Alcohol and Drugs
     • Nutrition

This CD Curriculum is really the first of its kind in the U.S. to focus on Health Literacy in all these areas of study. Upon Health Literacy training in schools, students will be able to understand risks about “bad” behaviors, relationships between family members, friends and community, general increased knowledge about risk factors of chronic and infectious diseases and how to prevent them. To assess your knowledge, please click on the pre-assessment test before you start visiting the topic areas. Check your score. Twenty-five (25) out of 39 questions are T/F questions. The highest score that you can get is 25 or 100% and this means that you are health literate. Anything below the 21 points or 88% requires a health literacy intervention.  

Eleven out of twenty-five, or 11/25 have False (F) as their answer; these questions are: 1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 17, 23, 27, 28, 37, and 38. Fourteen out of twenty-five, or14/25 requires a True or (T) answer.

This Curriculum is easy to use. Click on each section, read its power point presentation, answer its cross word puzzle as a reaffirmation of content information, then go on to the next section. You can skip a section and go to another topic area.

Upon completion of the content areas, take the post-test assessment and compare your pre- to your post-test. Is there a difference in scores? Definitely! This curriculum does help in promoting Health Literacy and knowledge!