Read each question carefully and choose the best answer to each one. Once finished, you can check each question to see why answer selected is correct or incorrect.
Memos are a much more formal means of communication than business letters.
What purpose does the first sentence of the body of a memo serve?
Introduces the writer of the memo
Serves as a formal greeting
Tells the audience who to contact if they have questions
States the purpose of the memo and/or what action the reader needs to take
Which of the following statements is true in regards to the spacing of a memo?
The entire document is double spaced
The entire document is single spaced
Everything is double spaced except for the body paragraphs
Only the body paragraphs are double spaced
Memos are usually _____ page(s) long.
Memos sometimes contain subheadings to signal a shift in topics.
If a memo is more than one page, the top of the second page should contain: